Textfeld: ( Tel:  0911 67 49 01    Mob: 0151 14 38 30 15   Fax:  0911 68 96 806
: e-mail: info@anna-auernhammer.de

Textfeld: Graduated linguist, teacher (RU) and 
Bachelor of Arts (DE)
Anna Auernhammer



Searching for a new professional challenge? Get in contact with me and I assist you with the creation of application documents and CVs in German:


* Individual consultancy: Tailored to your current situation and possibilities, we find the best way of applying.


* Flexible appointments to meet personally to discuss your needs and demands.


* Affordable charges, fees and prices as per time actually needed


* Needless to mention that letters of applications and CVs also can be created as per your demands in any of the offered languages.